Academic Service & Outreach
Volunteer Instructor, Philosophy in Prison, United Kingdom (August 2024).
Graduate Supervisor for MSt in Practical Ethics, Oxford Uehiro Centre (2023-2024)
Contributing Author, Practical Ethics in the News Blog, Oxford Uehiro Centre (2023 - 2024)
Junior Paper Advisor, Princeton Department of Philosophy (Spring 2023)
Member, Outreach Committee, Princeton Department of Philosophy (2022-2023)
With Princeton's Pace Center for Civic Engagement and community partners, planned and facilitated after-school philosophical outreach sessions to middle and high school students.
Facilitator, Finding Philosophy Summer Camp, Princeton (August 2022)
Planned and facilitated sessions for a two-day summer camp on philosophy for high school students.
Organizer, Conference on Comparative Ancient Philosophy (March 2019)
Secured funding from the Princeton Council of the Humanities’ Global Antiquity Initiative; invited presentations by external faculty scholars on the pre-modern philosophy of various cultures across five continents; held a panel on teaching non-Western and comparative philosophy.
Session Chair, APA Central Division Meeting, Denver (February 2019)
Co-Organizer, Princeton Workshop in Normative Philosophy (2016-2019)
Secured funding from the Princeton University Center for Human Values and the Department of Philosophy; invited monthly presentations by external faculty scholars on normative philosophy.
Graduate Administrative Fellow, Princeton-Kentucky Ethics and Politics Institute (Summer/Fall 2018)
Coordinated and assisted with educational events and service projects for undergraduate students from Princeton and Kentucky during an immersive course on inequality.
Co-Organizer, Princeton-Michigan Graduate Workshop on Metanormativity (2017-2018)
Secured funding from the Department of Philosophy; reviewed paper submissions; coordinated travel and lodging for participants.
Member, Classical Philosophy Committee, Princeton Department of Philosophy (2017-2018)
Member, Career Development Committee, Princeton Department of Philosophy (2016-2017)
Co-Organizer, Princeton Philosophical Society (2015-2016)
Member, Receptions Committee, Princeton Department of Philosophy (2015-2016)